
Two Snow Petrels (Pagodroma nivea) Ambush Bay, off Joinville Island


Borowicz, A, P McDowall, C Youngflesh, T Sayre-McCord, G Clucas, R Herman, S Forrest, M Rider, M Schwaller, T Hart, S Jenouvrier, M Polito, H Singh, HJ Lynch. 2018. Multi-modal survey of Adélie penguin mega-colonies reveals the Danger Islands as a seabird hotspot. Scientific Reports 3926. [link]

Herman RW, Valls FC, Hart T, Petry MV, Trivelpiece WZ, Polito MJ. 2017. Seasonal consistency and individual variation in foraging strategies differ among and within Pygoscelis penguin species in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Marine Biology 164(5):115. [link]

Herman RW. 2016. Investigating Species and Population Level Foraging Variation and Individual Specialization in Pygoscelis Penguins Using Stable Isotope Analysis. Master’s thesis, Louisiana State University. [link]

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